• For trade & production: The cloud ERP system from reybex is used in medium-sized (wholesale) trade, e-commerce and small and medium-sized production companies.
  • GoBD-compliant cash register: The integrated POS cash register is GoBD-compliant and has a TSE interface. SMEs have their receipt and security obligations effortlessly under control.
  • Payment included: Thanks to the new partnership with the German payment service provider secupay, all common payment solutions for webshops and POS are now already on board.

Both are agile, flexible, innovative and close to the customer – secupay and reybex are two owner-managed, German digital companies whose service ranges complement each other perfectly: customers who opt for the native cloud ERP from reybex can now also use secupay’s proven omnichannel payment solutions for their payment transactions together with the GoDB-compliant POS system without any technical or organisational effort. “Not only the portfolio and target groups, but also the values of reybex fit perfectly with secupay,” explains Patrick Frisch, Partner Manager at secupay AG.

The new cooperation is part of secupay’s successful business strategy of driving growth nationwide through suitable partnerships. In 2023, the German payment specialist has put together a professional and experienced team for strategic partner management and has already acquired renowned partners. “Success needs the right partners,” Frisch continues.

Efficient processes from purchasing to checkout

As a specialist in ERP software, short for enterprise resource planning, reybex ensures efficient processes for medium-sized users from the retail, e-commerce, trade and manufacturing sectors – target groups that secupay also addresses with its flexible payment solutions. Together with the digital ERP system from the cloud, many users also utilise the GoDB-compliant cash register function with TSE interface. The cloud checkout is fully integrated into the ERP system and therefore directly connected to merchandise management, warehousing or financial accounting. Omnichannel strategies or services such as Click & Collect can therefore be easily implemented.

Automated processes and personalised service

To expand its comprehensive range of ERP services, reybex was looking for a reliable and experienced payment processing partner. They selected secupay – like reybex, an owner-managed company with high agility and a strong customer focus: “From now on, our customers will benefit from our joint strengths: We are seamlessly bringing together a fully-fledged and modern, 100% native cloud ERP solution and user-friendly payment processes. A win-win situation on all sides, but especially for our joint customers,” says Selcuk Acar, Managing Director at reybex. Users of the ERP system who value secure payment services “made in Germany”, excellent availability, fair and transparent conditions and German-speaking customer service can now easily activate payment processing by secupay as an option. “We are thus adding another service to reybex to free companies from time-consuming tasks through smart and automated processes,” says Acar.

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